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Our Privacy Policy (GDPR compliant)

Courtesy of The SweetDreams Bakery UK.


We, The SweetDreams Bakery UK. Are committed to providing quality services on everything to do with cake and how we handle your data within the cake ordering process.

This policy outlines our obligations that meet with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On how we handle your data. How long we keep it for and the purposes for collecting your data in the first instance.


  • Why do you collect my information?

  • Answer: WE collect information concerning your address, telephone number, age, date of birth, food intolerances, and email. For the primary purpose of contacting you so we can design, deliver and organize your cake order effectively. We also collect and store safely, via squares P.O.S terminal, payment details (including credit card details), and purchase history, when a transaction is made via card payment. Though that said the full card details are not disclosed to us and are protected by law and the relevant financial authorities. We also collect personally identifiable information; eg comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile when using social sites in connection with us. If you have subscribed to our mailing list, we will use your information to keep you informed of any updates, sales offers, and marketing preferences. So our relations with you are always tailor-made to what you need. When we collect your information we will, where appropriate and reasonable, explain to you why we are collecting it and how we will use it.

  • WE also collect information regarding your use of our website. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of time visiting certain pages, what pages you interact with, click rates, and methods used to browse away from the page. 


  • Will my information be passed to any third parties?

  • The third parties that we would ever pass on your information to, Is in the case of delivery. Should we hire someone to deliver your order, if, for example, we were unable to for any reason. Or should the UK Government require us to share your information with them by law. Any links to our website from other social networks and their cookies are under their own privacy policies. Check out their t’s and c’s for the policies they hold.

  • Should we receive any information about you from third parties, we will within reason take steps to make you aware of any information. Generally, we will collect your information personally and only from you, occasionally and in some circumstances third parties pass on information. We will always ask permission from you about the use of it as already stated in this article.


  • Will I be able to ask for my information to not be used?

  • Yes, you may unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing at any time by notifying us in writing. Likewise, should you wish to cease contact with The SweetDreams Bakery for any reason (we hope that never happens) we will delete all your information that we hold. Again, notify us in writing and we will take the relevant action as agreed.


  • What is sensitive information?

  • Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act as, information or opinion about things as a person's Faith, ethnic origin, political leanings, political opinion, philosophical beliefs, trade union or other professional memberships, health information, or criminal record.


  • How will you use my sensitive information?

  • Your sensitive information will be used by us only for the use it was attained, which will be explained to you if/when we collect such information. With your consent, or where required or authorized by law.


  • How will you keep my sensitive information safe?

  • We store your information in a way that within reason protects it from unauthorized access and misuse and modification and unwanted disclosure.

When your information is no longer needed, for the purpose it was collected for, we will take steps to delete, destroy our copies of, and permanently un-identify your personal information. That said, by law, we are required to keep said information for a minimum of 7 years as client files. Unless you have expressly requested we delete such files and have no future dealings with us.


  • How can I access my personal information you hold?

  • You may at any time change, correct, or update your information we hold about you, subject to certain exceptions naturally. Should you wish to access the information we hold, please contact us in writing. We The SweetDreams Bakery will not charge a fee for your access request, though a small charge for administration may be applicable in the case of requesting a hard copy.

  • Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information is important to us and it helps us give you the best service we possibly can, if you feel your information is out of date please notify us.

  • In order to effectively protect your information, we may require identification from you before giving you access to the personal information we hold as a security measure.

You reserve the right to request a free electronic copy of your personal data we hold. All requests must be made in writing. Please allow up to 30 days for us to respond and process this information.


  • Policy updated and changes.

  • This policy may be updated as legal requirements change. A copy will be available on our website.

  • Any policy queries and complaints can be emailed to

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