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Our Terms and Conditions/Terms of service

Terms as set out in our paperwork.

Time frame

Minimum 2 weeks notice for occasion cake and cupcake orders. Unfortunately, we cannot accept last minute V.I.P rush orders, as we do not hold pre-made cake, ready to decorate at short notice, Nor do we hold ready-made and decorated cake to purchase.

All of our creations are freshly baked to order and there is a specific timescale to accompany this. We also buy in stock to fulfil the cake order which also has a timeframe and cannot be rushed. In regard to our respect to artistry, we The SweetDreams Bakery would not disrespect your occasion by giving a rush job cake. It would be dishonouring to the recipient of the cake and to us, also honour, love and respect are paramount to our business ethos.

Changes to the cake order:

The SweetDreams Bakery Reserves the right to slightly change or tweak the design agreed upon and will inform me (the customer) of any changes necessary. Any quotes/designs, based on another cake bakers work, will be subtly changed to avoid copyright and intellectual property infringements, also as a mark of respect for other bakers work and art. Credit must also be given to the original baker for their design. All intellectual property rights, images of cakes taken by The SweetDreams Bakery, sketches, designs and or logos are solely the property of The SweetDreams Bakery unless given express permission by The SweetDreams Bakery to use, duplicate or change any of The SweetDreams Bakery’s designs and or pictures, if you have asked us for a bespoke design and are not entirely happy with your quote you may purchase the design, the price will also include the cost of my time curating/creating the design.

The SweetDreams Bakery Reserves the right to refuse changes to the cake design contract, after the allotted time period (prior to one week before due date) Due to the handmade nature of bespoke cakes, the process has time constraints so, any decorations/toppers would by this time, already be made to fulfil your design. which is time and resources The SweetDreams Bakery cannot recoup.


Cancelations must be done no later than 7 working days after ordering  cake with The SweetDreams Bakery and 7 days prior the cake due date. By consumer rights law you also have, up-to 7 days after you have collected/received your cake to cancel the order. Any cancelations after this date will be void by law. (As the nature of the product is a food item and as such has a very-short shelf life, late cancelations after the 7 days timeframe will not be permitted as the product will be past its use by date. which would make all complaints and cancelations null and void.)

In the case of cancelation, contact us and notify us. We will email you a cancelation form to fill out and send back. Failure to send the form back means we cannot process your cancelation and return any monies to you as required. Once the form has been returned we can issue a refund where necessary.

(Our Disclaimer / What we'll do)

Damages, Repairs and Complaints.

In the event of any damage occurring while the cake is in The SweetDreams Bakery’s care. The SweetDreams Bakery will endeavour to fix, patch, or slightly change the design to cover the flaw/crack/damage that has occurred. To a degree that the damage is unnoticeable or invisible if humanly possible. In the event of a complete cake meltdown, while still in the care of The SweetDreams Bakery, The SweetDreams Bakery will endeavour to provide a cake (not like for like) for free as a goodwill gesture and will give up-to and not exceeding, a 50% refund of the cost of the total cake or multiples thereof.

In the unlikely event of You (the Client) being dissatisfied with the cake/s, The SweetDreams Bakery will enquire, to what about the cake was unsatisfactory, arrange to have the cake returned to The SweetDreams Bakery or arrange a collection of the cake and will endeavour to remedy the problem. That said, The SweetDreams Bakery will not give a full refund, however, The SweetDreams Bakery reserves the right to give a partial refund, pertaining to and not exceeding 50% of the total cost of the cake or multiples thereof. The SweetDreams Bakery retains the right to refuse refund, should there not be enough cake to examine.

Half-eaten or fully eaten, unreturned cake will not be refunded.

Transportation Damage, Children or Animal Damage

In the unlikely event of a cake being damaged, dropped (or eaten by a child or animal, before the occasion) and The SweetDreams Bakery’s transportation/storage advice (included in the info pack) has not been taken. once it is in the client's care, a full refund will not be available. The SweetDreams Bakery will however endeavour to repair, patch or disguise the damage as much as humanly possible, time allowing. Unfortunately, if the cake is damaged beyond repair, The SweetDreams Bakery will not be held responsible.


In Case of Delivery To a Venue

 No responsibility will be taken by The SweetDreams Bakery for any subsequent damage that may occur, once the cake has been handed over to the venue. Should it be arranged that the cake be delivered to the venue and the venue hosts are to set up the cake. The SweetDreams Bakery holds no responsibility should the venue host mishandle, said cake, and not follow The SweetDreams Bakerys storage/set up instruction info back and cutting guide.

Delivery and Set up Service

In the case of delivery to a venue and The SweetDreams Bakery's set up service has been purchased, The SweetDreams Bakery reserves the right to set up the cake fully, without interference, Once the cake has been set up and showcased, the cake will not be tampered with, or moved, adjusted once set up without The SweetDreams Bakery’s Approval/ Consent.

Once it is set up, any tampering, moving or placement of any non-edibles actioned on the cake, without approval or consent, will void any refund, and The SweetDreamsBakery rescinds (makes void, refuses) any responsibility if damage to the cake occurs at or after this point.

In The Case Of Additions/ Fresh Flowers at the Venue.

Should the client want fresh flowers on the cake, The SweetDreams Bakery retains the right to be the sole responsible party for the placement and arranging of non-food stuffs on the said cake.( in keeping with food hygiene standards and in the interests of food safety procedures.)

Not all flowers are edible, and the majority of beautiful flowers are highly toxic if ingested. Or if their resins/liquids, pesticides become cross-contaminated or touch the cake or icings. Many if not all, have pesticide sprays applied to them which are also inedible and damaging to human health. Flowers MUST be prepared for use with food, thoroughly and by somone with the expertise to execute procedure correctly. Failure to do so will be putting customers health at severe risk.

Any other persons, for Example: florists or venue hosts, party planners, etc... do not under any circumstances retain the right to place flowers on The SweetDreams Bakerys products, and to do so will automatically Void, any and all responsibility by The SweetDreams Bakery for any liability, insurance claims or refunds, regarding any damage, faults that may be incurred to the cake or illness and death of any clients that may have ingested said cake after tampering. Should anyone become sick, ill or require hospitalization, from such actions (as the majority of flowers are toxic, unless organic or of an edible variety, washed and handled and appropriately, wrapped (stems isolated from the food, no flowers or leaves to touch the cake!) (within strict food safety guidelines) taken without The SweetDreams Bakerys agreement or support, and who as a result, looks towards The SweetDreams Bakery for refund or liability insurance claim, The SweetDreams Bakery reserves the right to remind the venue or persons of these terms and conditions. And send this said document to any companies involved, along with information and food hygiene practice paperwork/food law/ legislation pertaining to the use of Fresh flowers on food.

What we ask of you.

Please Delete as applicable and sign

(we will keep a signed copy for our records)

Changes and cancellations

I (the client) agree and understand should I change my mind on the design, I will let The SweetDreams bakery know up to a week before the due date to make the changes. Any changes wanted after this date will not be made and the original design will stand. I understand that Cancelations must be done no later than 7 working days after ordering my cake with The SweetDreams Bakery and 7 days prior the cake due date. By consumer rights law you also have up-to 7 days after you have collected/received your cake to cancel the order. Any cancelations after this date will be void by law.

I understand, In the occurrence of a cancellation, I (the client) will contact The SweetDreams Bakery and a cancellation form will be e-mailed to me to fill out, sign and send back. I (the client) understand that Cancellations after the 7-working day grace period will be charged labour costs, of making my cake/s, toppers and other bespoke items ordered to fulfil the design. Also any deposits paid will be returnable and non-transferable to any subsequent cake orders. For weddings: Any date holding fees will not be returned  As it was to hold a specific allotted date for my order, and availability for another date may be limited, or unavailable.

should I choose to cancel, once in receipt of the cake, I (the client) agree to return the cake in a fully un-eaten or un-damaged condition or contact The SweetDreams Bakery to arrange collection of the un-eaten or un-damaged cake and give reason as to what about the cake was unsatisfactory.

(As the nature of the product is a food item and as such has a very-short shelf life, late cancelations after the 7 days timeframe will not be permitted as the product will be past its use by date. which would make all complaints and cancelations null and void.)


I (the Customer), confirm that the cake/s has been collected/delivered (delete as applicable) in good and undamaged condition. It has been made, In the design and colour scheme, as was agreed upon by both myself (the customer) and The SweetDreams Bakery, at the point of contract. No responsibility will be taken by The SweetDreams Bakery for any subsequent damage or slight colour variances that may occur, once the cake has been handed over to the customer and/or venue.

I agree that once the cake is in my care, any damage to the cake is the sole responsibility of me the customer. I agree that I understand how to cut the cake, according to The SweetDreams Bakery’s Instruction. I have been given a cutting guide and storage information pack. To gain the maximum number of portions and also advice, on how to store the cake to enjoy it at its best, and get the most enjoyment from it. I also understand that if I do not take The SweetDreams Bakery’s advice and follow the said guide, I may not hold The SweetDreams Bakery responsible if I have a shortage of cake.

I agree and accept that should I dislike the cake for any reason, I will contact The SweetDreams Bakery within two days of receiving the cake/s. I agree and understand that cake dries out after a period of days. (The SweetDreams Bakery's cakes have a shelf life of a maximum 5 days, So Any claim of dry cake will not be taken seriously by The SweetDreams bakery after a 3-day period.) the customer understand and agree that to gain a partial refund or a credit note to the partial value of the cake order, I must return said cake boxed and in a decent condition. And that Half to two thirds or.. fully eaten cake, will not be refunded or discounted.)

In the case of delivery to a venue

I agree that once the cake is in my care or the venue's care, any damage to the cake is the sole responsibility of me (the client), and or the venue that is holding the cake. I also understand that if I (the client) or (the venue) do not take The SweetDreams Bakery’s advice and follow the said guide, I may not hold The SweetDreams Bakery responsible if I have a shortage of cake. I may not ask for The SweetDreams Bakery to be made liable and make an Insurance claim on the cake should the venue fail to take responsibility in the occurrence of anything going wrong while the cake is in their care.

This policy is offered in addition to your legal rights on distance Purchasing and Buying Bespoke Food Items.

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