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About us, Who we are, and why we became a bakery in Dudley.

Graces 4th Birthday cake sooo long ago

  Flash-back; Once upon a time a long looong time ago, in a little town called Cradley Heath, in the West Midlands England...there was a little girl (Me, Mrs Samantha. L. Willetts (was Miss Fellows) Baker, designer and owner of The SweetDreams Bakery uk) baking with her wonderful mom.

They both wanted to make lovely cakes together but the cakes all came out flat, awfull and so hard they broke your teeth.or sunken in the middle and were furned into fruit flans lol!

So the little girls mom let her get on with it by herself and practice. (did I mention my momma is epic!) The little girl made lots and lots of cakes,cookies, ginger biscuits, muffins, brownies, ect aaannd had tonnes of fun doing it and ate most of what she made (I never said I was thin lol!.)

Years on, I had children of my own (6, yes that is a bakers half dozen) and not liking those shop brought birthday cakes (as I'd had a few disasters in my childhood..sorry mom, and having a big sister who baked a epic bartman cake, by hand from scratch and had sent it all the way, in the post! by the epic Royal Mail, from Grimsby to reach me in near, perfect condition, his hair was a little messed up but still bartman style, it amazed my 7 yr old self and I was inspired cakes were only ever round and this one was a shape!!)

so,I found out my old baking box and set to work. I baked a cute cake for my oldest daughter and it was scrummy. i made a Christmas cake from scratch osensibly to save money, yeah i didnt but it tasted good lol.  family and friends friends saw, tasted them (because shareing is caring) and they asked me if I would make cake for them.

after having my second child I developed lactose intolerance, She suffered from it quite badly and I believe my body changed to accomodate her and her needs.

.Bodies are amazing things (especially B feeding)

I was heartbroken, but happy my lil cake muncher was ok...I thought all was lost on the cakey front. I thought that I would

never eat delicious cake again or chocolate!...this for me


Coffee Walnut full butter cake

Until a simply amazing, epic and beautiful woman from our church, showed me vegan recipes and a suitably wonderful man also from our church, showed me dairy-free chocolate. They were like angels! professing great news that cake can and will continue!

I also discovered a brand of dairy, dedicated to people like me and my daughter. So a few trials later and more chocolate cakes...ok well, just more cakes of any flavour we could think of haha, and we found our stride. Then, after posting my trials on my private FB. One of my friends said "I'm gluten-free what about me, I like cake", so I did what any self-respecting cake-baking friend would do. I researched, practised and made more tummy-happy cakes. So I learnt a few things and organised a bunch of stuff and voila...

The SweetDreams Bakery UK was born.

I can't unfortunately, profess to have culinary degrees falling out of my ears. I have six kids to feed, degrees are the last on the list. Now shoes on the other hand... it's almost like they eat the damn things...I digress! I have learnt by trial and error, researching techniques and googling. I also have subscribed to a veritable ton, of amazing cake people, who have been before me in the cake arena and know their stuff. I am always happy to learn. It's a mark of maturity or so I'm told. The older you get the more you learn the less you know in the first place. And it's sooooooo true...I know nada! but I am always willing to learn and admit my mistakes. the degrees are on my list of to-dos. lol!

Mermaid sescape cake

food allergies seem to be on the rise and lets face it, they're horrible and the desert industry needs to catch up. A lifetime without tummy frindly good cake?...

like really?!...ohh heck no!

So in my way I do my bit to help, as EVERYONE DESERVES flipping good cake. (I think supermarket cakes are pants..sorry supermarkets! and not a patch on handmade loveliness.

though thats just my opinnion. I'm not doing anybody down, I just prefer handmade, home made cake, its kinda like you can taste the love that goes into it) mass produced cake or mass produced anything doesnt have the same amount of time and attention afforded it...

take a factory-produced violin for eg..versus a Stradavarius...I rest my case, artisan handmade products are massively making a comeback. I have been making cakes as a hobby and providing family and friends with epic and beautiful cakes (their words) for the past 6+ years. Whilst refining my recipes and skill set. I live in Dudley, and My home Kitchen, seemed to be the ideal place to start. Well, until the business outgrew our home bakery kitchen.

I started up as an official business and was registered as a food business with Dudley Council on the 31 of May 2018. I am fully registered and inspected, I hold a food hygiene certificate to level two, currently working on level three. I hold an FSA 5-star health and hygiene rating. Just another lovely reason to order with us.

I am up to date on all, the relevant food allergy information and training, and am subscribed to the FSA for food updates and warnings.

If you're unsure of us as to our newness. (Being the new Baker on the block is fun :-) our minimum order is 6 Cuppies or a 6" stand-alone cake, we have bakes, desserts, and bento cakes too.. which are advertised for availability on our Facebook page. Try us and find out how tasty our cakes are OR check out our social pages or testimonials page here... on our website.


I ALWAYS feel honored, when somone asks me to design and create them something to enjoy on their special day, whatever that looks like

 Although rude, erotic cakes or cakes of a sexual nature will not be accomodated.

We are a family run business with 6, yes thats 6 children under 16 and respectfully decline any private part cakes or sexual references in our kitchens, its just not hygenic ;-P


6 of the 125 cupcakes done today.

Hey if Buddy Valastro's (from Cake Boss) mamma says no erotic cake then thats good enough for me. She was a church goer too, God bless her.

We're just trying to make the world a little sweeter, feel a little more loved and thought of.

Respectfully at your service, S.L.Willetts

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